Latest Agriculture Emergency Credit Schemes: Get Instant Short-Term Loans from Rs 5000 to Rs 1 Lakh with No Service Charges or Margin

Here comes the good news for the agriculture sector. Punjab National Bank (PNB) which is India's second-largest public sector bank is giving short-term loans under its Agriculture Credit schemes. PNB…

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Kisan Sabha App developed by CSIR-Central Road Research Institute (CSIR-CRRI), New Delhi to connect farmers to supply chain and freight transportation management system was launched. Source: VajiramiasLink: About: The portal…

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Kisan Sabha App

Source: nextiasLink: In News- The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-Central Road Research Institute (CSIR-CRRI) has launched Kisan Sabha App to connect farmers to supply chain and freight transportation Management System. Aim and significance:…

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Kisan Sabha App to Connect Farmers to Supply Chain and Freight Transportation

Source: CivilsdailyLink: Kisan Sabha App developed by CSIR to connect farmers to supply chain and freight transportation management system was recently launched. Initiatives as such are less likely to be…

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किसानों को खेती और उपज को बेचने में मदद करेगा ये ऐप, जानिए इसमें क्या हैं खूबियां

केंद्रीय सड़क अनुसंधान संस्थान (CSIR-CRRI) ने किसान सभा (Kisan Sabha App) के नाम से नया ऐप लॉन्च किया है. इस ऐप के जरिए देश के दूरदराज इलाकों के किसान सप्लाई…

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