It’s time for today’s farmers to take advantage of the burgeoning agritech sector’s potential to enhance decision-making, production, market access, and investment prospects. If your farming isn’t becoming smarter, you’re falling behind. The use of smart farming technologies enables producers and growers to maximise the potential of their agricultural activities. This article examines 5 technology advancements that will transform agriculture by 2023 and beyond.

  1. Cloud-based data platforms

Cloud-based platforms can aggregate soil health data and deliver unbiased recommendations to farmers, giving them the direction and freedom to make agronomic decisions that result in higher yield and profit while also being environmentally sustainable. Farmers can develop custom recommendation algorithms that take existing soil biology into account and assess opportunities to improve regenerative farm management. Farmers can use the data in the field to review anything from test results to soil organic carbon levels, biological activity, and plant-available nutrients, as well as create scouting reports and track as-applied data.

  1. Farm Automation

Farm automation combines electrical devices, chemical sensors, computer systems, electronics, and data management to enhance equipment performance and decision-making, ultimately lowering human input and error.

The widespread adoption of the technology is being driven by decreased work time, increased yields, and resource efficiency. The way that farmers cultivate their crops has changed thanks to the introduction of automated harvesters, drones, autonomous tractors, sowing, and weeding. They can concentrate on more important activities because the technology handles tedious and repetitive duties.

  1. Software for managing farms

Many farmers struggle to manage a high job with little assistance, burning the flame at both ends. It becomes increasingly difficult to manage all processes the larger the farm becomes. But, in the SaaS era, there is an app for almost everything, which includes farm management. 

A digital checklist-like integrated platform called farm management software offers real-time data and statistics to help farmers keep track of their daily tasks. Farmers’ decision-making across all operations can get improved with the help of this monitoring and reporting software.

Farms can optimise their operations and collaborate easily thanks to FarmERP, an enterprise resource planning tool.

  1. Water Management Technology

For drylands to become arable, irrigation is a crucial way to supply them with water as they typically receive minimal rainfall. Although this is a critical component of farming today, many farmers still irrigate their fields with unnecessary amounts of water, just as the Mesopotamians did more than 4,000 years ago.

Flood irrigation not only wastes more than two-thirds of the water, but it can also overwater plants, which stunts their growth. Also, it might discharge extra fertilisers into lakes and streams, harming freshwater supplies.

Farmers now have more environmentally friendly options because to advancements in agriculture technology and innovation.

  1. Livestock Farming Technology

With the use of new livestock technologies, farmers can better organise their businesses, take better care of their animals, and enhance output thanks to data-driven insights.

Milk sensors and automated dairy systems help farmers monitor the quality of their milk without the need for human intervention. Automated cleaning systems remove waste, resulting in cleaner environments that are also disease-free.

Automated feeder systems provide animals with the right amount of food combinations that are mainly created to satisfy their specific needs. Faromatics uses robotics, artificial intelligence, and big data to increase agricultural productivity and animal care.


In an era when environmental concerns and climate change fears are at an all-time high, sustainable farming is a hotly debated topic. Our population is growing, and increasing scarcity of land and water pose a serious threat to the survival of the human race as we know it. While many politicians stall and deflect, agricultural technology startups are taking action.

From advances in precision agriculture to farm automation, genetics, and water management technology, agricultural technology innovations enable smarter, safer, and more productive farming.

MassChallenge gives new startups the opportunity to collaborate with rising Agtech talent. You can pursue the latest trends and agricultural technologies by connecting with experts, corporations, and communities in the industry.

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