BIPA (BioAgri Input Producers Association), a 19 years old, Hyderabad-based trade body of BioAgri Input Producers in India inaugurated its 2nd Edition of the BioAgri 2022 International Conference at Hyderabad on Wednesday.
Addressing the 200-plus gathering Chief Guest Dr SK Malhotra, Project Director with ICAR Directorate of Knowledge Management, Former Agricultural Commissioner, Govt of India said the three pillars of agriculture are soil, seeds, and fertilisers. Now four more are added which include machines, bio-stimulants, pollinators, and Agronomy and Analytics.

The MSME-dominated bio-stimulant market in India has a regulatory framework in place. Now companies are subjected to regulatory provisions put forth by the Government of India. But this is not comprehensive and is still evolving. It should be revisited and re-reviewed to address changing needs and challenges, he said.
Dr Gagnesh Sharma, Director of the National Centre for Organic and Natural Farming (NCONF) a nodal organization for the promotion of organic farming under the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, GoI said NCONF came into existence for implementing National Project on Organic Farming (NPOF).
He mentioned, “We have 537 bio-fertiliser units across India. Their installed capacity of them is 3 lakh metric tonnes approximately. And the Indian market stands at Rs 1200 crore.”

He said the biotech consortium of India’s report indicates 3 times the requirement of Bio fertilizers in the country in comparison to the present installed capacity by the year 2025, to cater to the growing demand for organic products.
Dr Gagnesh Sharma also added that under Atma Nirbhar Bharat, the Government is planning to bring 14 million hectares of land which is approximately 10% of total arable land under organic farming up to the year 2025. Whereas the current organic farming coverage is approximately 28 lakh hectares which is nearly 2% of the total farmland of the country.
Dr Venkatesh Devanur, Secretary of BIPA reported the activities it held last year as this also happens to be an annual meeting of BIPA members. Mr Raj Kumar Agarwal, Executive Director of BIPA welcomed the gathering. He gave an insight into the Bio-Agri conference last and this year.
Dr KRK Reddy, President of BIPA explained the context and significance of the theme “India-The Global Gateway for Bio Ag Solutions”. The world is slowly recognizing the potential of India’s biological agri-inputs and has started working towards them, he said.
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