Why is Organic Cotton Trendier These Days?

organic cotton

Organic cotton means natural cotton without using any synthetic agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers pesticides or transgenic technology.

Difference between Organic Cotton and Regular Cotton

Organic Cotton is made from natural seeds, and there is no use of pesticides or other harmful chemicals. Bugs are controlled with insecticides that kill pests.

Regular Cotton is grown on the same soil repeatedly, degrading the soil quality, removing nutrients, and leading to unhealthy crops.

Apart from regular cotton and organic cotton, two more cotton types exist as below:

Conventional cotton: Conventional cotton is grown with the support of synthetic agrichemicals [including fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, and defoliants]. Conventional cotton is grown from genetically modified seeds.

Better Cotton: The Better Cotton Initiative is a global non-profit organization and the most extensive cotton sustainability program globally. BCI exists to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment, and better for the sector’s future.

Advantages of Organic Cotton

Environmentally Friendly:- Natural fertilizers are used in the growing of organic cotton. It doesn’t harm the soil, has less impact on the air, and uses 88% less water and 62% less energy. Conventional cotton uses about 16% of the world’s insecticides and 7% of pesticides.

Sustainable:– When you choose to buy organic cotton, you invest in water conservation, cleaner air, better soil, and farmer livelihood. The price of organic cotton is, therefore, marginally higher than regular cotton. Nevertheless, with the increased demand for organic cotton, the price will also come down.

Future Aspect:- The water crisis is a global challenge; organic cotton is 80% rain-dependent, which reduces pressure on local water sources. No chemical also means that water is cleaner and safer. Cotton is often grown in water-scarce areas using irrigation, and it takes 2700 liters of water to make a conventional cotton T-shirt.

Promotes safe work and better livelihood for farmers:- Organic cotton farming keeps farmers and their families safe. They are not exposed to toxic chemicals or through their food and water supply. It also means farmers grow more than one crop which adds to their food and income.

Skin Friendly:- There is no chemical used in organic cotton. It feels better on your skin. It gives a softer and more premium feel to the end user. We must use organic cotton for direct touch-to-skin garments like vests, briefs, socks, etc., to avoid skin allergic problems.

Responsible Citizen:- We as responsible citizens should encourage the consumption of organic cotton as it helps preserve a sustainable environment. Organic cotton clothing reminds everyone that natural is healthier and cost-effective in the long run.

source: https://krishijagran.com/agripedia/