Significant rise in potato production in Assam: Agriculture minister

Significant rise in potato production in Assam: Agriculture minister

Assam Agriculture Minister Atul Bora said that production of potato has increased from seven Metric tonnes per hectares to 17 Metric tonnes per hectare.

Bora while speaking on Potato Conclave and Business Launch Event stated state must be self-reliant in Agriculture and Veterinary sector and not dependent upon the other States of the country.

The Potato Conclave is organized by the Department of Horticulture & Food Processing, Assam in collaboration with the Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project (APART) and International Potato Center (CIP) specifically for the development of the Potato Value Chain in the State of Assam.

Bora stated with the use of scientific technologies of International Potato Centre under the initiatives of APART. The aim of the Agriculture Department is to make Assam self-sufficient in production of the certified seed potato production – Bora added.

The minister also said that the world is undergoing the effects of climate change and Assam has also been witnessing the drastic change of climate. It will be the challenge for the agricultural scientists to overcome such hurdles and help the farmers using latest technologies to increase their income in a sustainable way. The new generation of the State are interested in the agri-Horticultural sectors for their self-employment and are coming forward to further explore this sector especially in Horticulture.

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